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ღTuesday, June 01, 2010Y

Got rejected by DBS.. Sad sad.. Sob...

10:27 AM Photobucket

ღWednesday, May 26, 2010Y

I m having INSOMNIA??
What's wrong wif me?!

I m being super lazy.. I shd nt be blogging here.. I shd study for my nxt paper... ARHHH!!! BUT I m fb-ing & online shopping instead... O my Tian!!

Bathing time nw~~

9:13 PM Photobucket

ღTuesday, April 13, 2010Y

The Sense of Insecurity came rushing back once again...

11:58 PM Photobucket

ღThursday, October 22, 2009Y
No sense of urgency

I juz felt people who hav sense of urgency is more productive then those who dun. GRrrr.. Basically I don't understand y people simply cannot make up their mind over little things in life and can hav TOTALLY no sense of urgency... Seriously, I get annoyed by these type of ppl easily. Okay.. It may be nothing wrong to most ppl.. BUT I simply can't stand it... Or bcoz I experience it almost everyday tt's why I m sick of it.. Or maybe the problem lies on me not them... I m the typical type of person tt my expressions are written all on my face.. My friends can effortlessly tell if I m happy or sad.. I hate this side of me.. Infact I hated many sides of me...

I should stop thinking about irrelevant subjuct and focus on my coursework... ARhhhh..

2:41 PM Photobucket

ღWednesday, July 29, 2009Y

Lack of updates for so long..........Due to my laziness & Busyness..
Recently came back from my first trip of the year... BATAM WEEKEND GETAWAY!!! haha... I am a poor student.. Only can afford Batam at the moment...
BB & I stay at Harris Resort.. A bit old.. Foods are expensive but overall still good..

Something wrong with Blogspot..!? Y cant I insert photos.. Cant change colours!? HELP!!!

10:04 PM Photobucket

ღFriday, April 17, 2009Y

I have not been blogging for damn long..
Busy is juz excuses...
Sometime I wonder why ppl blog..
YES.. To share with their friends..
But some.. To show off maybe...
Anyway.. Nothing special is happening around me recently..
Busy with work as usual and nw MORE BUSY with school..
Cousework due in 12days...Not even half done.. I m going to rush like mad cow this weekend...

The hardest thing is tt my BB is not around wif me..
16Days to his return..
Ever since he left for TW training, I hav been in rather bad mood.. dun feel like doing anything.. juz wan to hibernate myself at home... Y m I like tat...

1:28 PM Photobucket

ღSunday, March 01, 2009Y

My New blogskin... So Sweet..
Left a little here & there not properly finish yet..
Will continue when I hav time..

My Mood is juz like the whether recently : Rainy!!
Having bad mood swing..
A little Stress..
A little unhappy..
A little Sianz bout everything..

I'm feeling vexed vexed VEXED!!!

4:52 PM Photobucket

ღThursday, December 18, 2008Y

The Pre-Birthday Celebration for Ning.
I was @ Al Denta for dinner yesterday night with my Dearest cousins, Na & Ning. It has been a while since the 3 of us have dinner together.

We had a great alfresco dining experience there.

Overlooking Beautiful view of the city

Together we shared a Generous Hawaiian pizza, some red snapper and this very delicious Tenderloin.

Juz happen to see Yanzai's mummy there too.. She was wif her boss and colleagues. Was trying to catch her attendion but FAILED.. Coz she was busy eating and toking din even realise there are 3 pretty ladies dining right beside her table.. haha..

After the yummilious dinner, we had our wishes for 2009 written on the big ball.

Now it's somewhere floating on the Esplande sea.

Of coz it's a MUST to have CAKE!!
Presenting the Birthday gal with Canele Mocha cake...

There goes our wonderful nite.. We will meet up again soon in 2009~~ Yeah~~~
Great company with good food makes my day...

7:44 PM Photobucket

ღSaturday, December 06, 2008Y

1:30 PM Photobucket

ღThursday, December 04, 2008Y

My Friends... miss out some coz dun have their photos...

Cuite YanZai~**

My Darling~**

My Besties~**

My Beloved Cousins~**

9:34 PM Photobucket